Business Yoga, Firmenyoga, Yoga at Office

Business Yoga


Through the continuity of a weekly class, I get to know your employees, offering adjustments and customized classes to fit to their specific needs. Special classes  include jaw/tension relief, hand/ wrist care, and how to maintain good posture – counteracting the problems of the modern work life. My teaching method has prevented many cases of burn out!

I know that everyone comes with a different story and has different body limits. I'm able to juggle different people’s needs so that everyone feels simultaneously challenged and safe. Every class ends with relaxation and visualization techniques that help to significantly reduce stress in the workplace. I bring my students to a space where there is “alertness without tension, relaxation without dullness”, increasing both a sense of wellbeing and productivity.

Benefits include:
* increases energy, clarity and focus
* reduces stress and illness
* improves overall efficiency and productivity
* reduces anxiety and irritability
* improves morale and team-spirit
* increases core strength, for better posture and more concentration.

Practical info


60 mins.

Flow type:

This class is suited to all levels, from beginners to advanced yogis and yoginis. We combine pranayama (breathing), meditation and flow through the asana (yoga poses) with ease. We mainly work on those areas that suffer the most while sitting in an office such as back, hips, shoulders and neck.

Recommended for:

Adding a weekly yoga class to your office routine, supports your employees' wellbeing and increases productivity. Yoga releases tension in the neck, back and shoulder area. Meditation increases concentration and focus.  Simply because healthy employees make a healthy company! 

Class Price:

  • Individual agreements (depending on group size)

Let's practice!

In my classes I make everyone feel comfortable and safe within their skill level and ability to do yoga. No one is required to do or to try any pose, and everyone is expected to practice safety and to stay within their own physical limits. The benefits from practicing yoga do not require competition or perfection. The benefits from practicing yoga come from maintaining and enhancing your body's ability to move, to stay flexible, and to experience the free flow of energy & light within.







12:00 - 13:00

Business Yoga


Fully Booked


16:30 - 17:30

Business Yoga

TU München

Fully Booked


12:00 - 13:00

Business Yoga


Fully Booked

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